for a while ive been trying to find sally hansen - hidden treasure (or something very similar) for a good price - i will not spend too much on products when there are cheaper alternatives 99% of the time. fiiiinally i found it last week on ebay for £5.49. they still have it in stock so if you've fallen in love with it like i did, click here!
i found that everytime ive tried to get this nail polish, its been out of stock everywhere (and other brands too) or really overly priced on ebay. so yes, i am way behind everyone else in getting this but its not my fault :( lol and i have it now so all is good!
isnt it just larrrvely! i love it over black or blue/purple and pink... actually i just love it over everything! i love the brush on it, its curved which makes application so effortless. it is also very dense (not in a gloopy way though) so you only really need one coat. i done 2 but i think it looked better with just one. its a big bottle too so will last aages!
it reminds me of a cats eyes, its just beautiful. even aaron liked it! he was like oooh, whats on your nails - thats different! :) the fact he noticed means its nice lol!
this is what it looks like if you google it (i dont have the best camera to show it off)
have you tried this? or do you know any very similar brands with a similar price tag?
or have i just temped you into purchasing it for youself? :D xxx
This looks lovely!! :)
love it! so gorgeous <3