pintagram monday.. pintergramonday?
this week is a picture from instagram.. its a baby hedgehog, how cute it is!
i was hanging the washing out in the garden friday and noticed it was struggling to walk and hedgehogs arent usually out in the day time. aarons mum tried to feed it and give it water but it didnt really want anything.. it wasnt scared of us though.
aarons mum phoned a hedgehog association number and the bloke come out and got him, he said he was dehydrated so he took him to look after.
that same afternoon, loads of police were on the estate, parts of it shut off and a helicopter hovering.. an armed siege or something.. was scary as it was litterally less than a minute walk from ours, just the other side of the houses behind ours. still dont know what actually went on but its not good - last tuesday night there was theft/robbery on the estate plus 2 30 year old men bottled and beaten by a young group of boys in the early hours. thats 3 things in 3 nights.. the estate we live on used to have a bit of a reputation but nothing bad had happened for years.. now it seems to be starting again so im very glad we're moving at the weekend!!
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if you read this post or seen these at the bottom of certain posts, you'll know i planned more structure for my blog.
at the beginning of august i decided to start having weekly ebay wants, pintagram, wishlist & life.
(for more info on these please click here where i've explained them)
if anyone wants to join in please do, its a great opportunity to bring people together so the more the merrier! (dont forget to leave a comment to let me know!) - please use the picture at the top if you're joining in and in return i will link anyone that joins in on each post (for the one they're joining in with) :) xxx
OMW that hedgehog is super cute!! That's terrible what happened in your area!! Scary!