Wednesday, 1 August 2012

4 books

4 books:

kelly osbourne - fierce.
ive always been intrigued by the osbournes. ive always wished sharon was my mum - i think shes super duper cool! and ive always really liked kelly and wished i could hang out with her over any other celeb. i admire how she just doesnt give a shit what people think of her, she's always herself no matter what. i also think she's done so well to kick the drug habit and lose all that weight, she looks fantastic now! i met her briefly at a gig once and got an autograph, shes so short but she was really friendly :)

katie piper - beautiful.
i could not put this book down. it was so sad how katies ex treated her and what he paid another man to do to her but she has dealt with it so well and is now such a strong person, its really admirable. if i was in her shoes, i dont think id be half the person she is so my hat goes off to her. she seems such a lovely girl.

vanessa steel - punished.
this book made me cry numerous times. it is the saddest book ive ever, ever read but at the same time i couldnt put it down. its about a girl who is abused by her mother and sexually abused by her grandfather. she has such a terrible upbringing but there was something that got her through it all. i wont say what because i want you all to go and read it, now! its a true story and the best book i've ever read. ever!

gok wan - gok cooks chinese.
obviously this isnt an autobiography but it is really good! if you like chinese food and want to cook it for yourself but have it more healthier and less gloopy then you'll really enjoy this book! ive cooked quite a few bits from it already and cant wait to do more. highly recommend!


  1. I'm looking for a good summer read at the moment! Punished sounds a bit too sad for me i don't know if i could cope? Will definately look into it though seeing you gave it such a raving review! xx

    1. it is very sad in places but the end is happier if that helps.. deffo worth a read :) xx

  2. I have nominated you for the Liebster award on my blog. Visit for more details :) xxx

  3. Same as above! Just to let you know I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! See my blog for info! x
