so as you probably know by now, me and aaron are moving home soon. we thought it would be 1st september.. it will actually be next weekend!! how exciting!
tomorrow we're going to measure up for curtains/blinds, carpets etc.
next saturday we get the keys and we've roped my parents in to helping us paint 4 of the rooms and move a van load of bits in then sunday or monday we're moving the rest in :)
speaking of parents.. we went over theirs last saturday and it went really well. it was like nothing had happened but i think id rather that than an awkwardness.. lucky we have moved on and get on now really as they're helping us move! - we dont really have anyone else we could have asked, we'd just have to of struggled ourselves!
i started packing yesterday.. is it weird that i ENJOY packing and unpacking?! lol.. just as well really as we'll be doing it again in a few months! happy days :)
thats it for the good news, now the bad..
did any of you place an order with MUA when they had their 25% off offer?? - well i did (almost 2 weeks ago now) and im STILL waiting for my order. I've emailed them and written on their FB and it hasnt made a shits bit of difference. Their website claims they aim to send orders in 2 days but you should allow for 5 days when they're busy. The person who emailed me back assured me that all orders are posted within 3 days. If it was 2, 3 or 5 days then my order would have been here by now.
I've been using royal mail for a long time now and i have never known first class parcels to take this long so im pretty certain the hold up is from MUAs end. also, looking on their facebook, i havent been the only one waiting longer than expected, there have been quite a few people having a moan.
- my problem isnt so much how long its taking, its more the fact that they claim to send it quicker than they are doing. if they were more honest and said "we aim to send items in 2 days but when we're busy you'll end up waiting 2 weeks" then i wouldnt be annoyed as id expect it.
they seem to keep fobbing people off with any old answer to shut them up too (see their fb page) one will say its probably on its way, other will say something is out of stock and another will say ill get it soon. sort it out MUA. you might be cheap but nobody likes being lied to and messed around.
when i place an order with new look (this happens a lot!) their website says you receive your item within 3-5 days and i always do. ALWAYS. rant over :/
has anyone else had any problems with MUA? - can you suggest any other cheap make up brands that are good? xxx
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if you read this post you'll know ive planned more structure for my blog.
starting this month, ill have weekly ebay wants, pintagram, wishlist & life.
(for more info on these please click here where i've explained them)
if anyone wants to join in please do, its a great opportunity to bring people together so the more the merrier! (dont forget to leave a comment to let me know!) - please use the picture at the top if you're joining in and in return i will link anyone that joins in at the bottom of each post (for the one they're joining in with) :)
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