so if you've been hiding under a rock (or you're a new follower!) you'll know im moving home this weekend. im so excited that we'll finally have our own space again, i cant wait! - plus we've bought lush sofas (black leather recliners) and they're soo comfy!! also, i absolutely love cooking so i cant wait to have my own kitchen again - although i do cook all our meals here at aarons parents place, i dont feel like i can bake and take up the whole space cooking things as we share the kitchen with his parents. now ill be able to bake and cook things til my little heart is content, woooyeah!
because me and aaron are donuts, when we went to the flat to measure up and have another proper look last week, we forgot to check for a phone line. derr! so i havent been able to set anything up with BT or plusnet so that we're connected a week after we move in.. it will now be around 2 weeks (or more knowing our luck!) after we move in. merrr! unfortunately this may mean i wont be able to blog properly :(
i cant write blogs on my phone but it will let me publish ones i've already done and saved on the flaptop so ill get a couple done before we go saturday and then ill keep popping to my parents every 4 or 5 days to write some more that i can publish once i go back home. this way im hoping it wont make a difference as i dont want to be absent from my blog :) but just in case, pleease bare with me, i wont be gone for long and have no intention of giving up blogging - i enjoy it far too much!
i've been doing all the packing while aaron has been at work - well, lets face it, girls are way better at things like that! if it was left to aaron, things would just get bunged into a box willy nilly! but i like to put all similar things together and write on the boxes and bubble wrap breakables/anything i dont want to get damaged. is it weird that i enjoy packing and unpacking? i have no idea why!
thats all thats really been happening this week, packing packing packing!
for my next post ill show you pictures of the flat - before and after.
oh one last thing..if you've read previous posts you'll know of the trouble i've had with my MUA order. i've had my items a week now - minus the out of stock item - and im still waiting for a refund or even acknowledgement. i emailed customer services saturday as soon as i opened my parcel and realised something was missing and i havent heard back. the people who run their FB page keep saying "soon" but nobody seems to want to give proper answers. I swear i do not want to use this company ever again.
oh one last thing..if you've read previous posts you'll know of the trouble i've had with my MUA order. i've had my items a week now - minus the out of stock item - and im still waiting for a refund or even acknowledgement. i emailed customer services saturday as soon as i opened my parcel and realised something was missing and i havent heard back. the people who run their FB page keep saying "soon" but nobody seems to want to give proper answers. I swear i do not want to use this company ever again.
hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend! xxx
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if you read this post or seen these at the bottom of certain posts, you'll know i planned more structure for my blog.at the beginning of august i decided to start having weekly ebay wants, pintagram, wishlist & life.
(for more info on these please click here where i've explained them)
if anyone wants to join in please do, its a great opportunity to bring people together so the more the merrier! (dont forget to leave a comment to let me know!) - please use the picture at the top if you're joining in and in return i will link anyone that joins in on each post (for the one they're joining in with) :) xxx
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