Lets play a game :) I love blogging but I think sometimes people take it so seriously that they forget to have fun too. Well, I like having fun and I like getting to know the person behind the blog so I'm calling you all to come play, it won't take long, come along :)
I saw Bellabeaubeauty do this on YouTube and knew straight away I had to join in!
So basically, I tell you 50 facts about me and you give yourself a point for everything you agree with/have in common with me :) let me know in the comments how many you scored! I tag everybody cause it's nice getting to know people/have a nosey into their lives! - you don't have to do as many as 50 if you can't think of anything! xxx
My 50 facts:
I like making lists.
I'm from Suffolk in England.
I prefer Burger King to McDonalds.
I don't like fizzy drinks (unless they have alcohol with it).
I hated school.
I went to college but quit half way through.
I love 80s music - the cheesy stuff!
I love cats.
I love Nicki Minaj.
My favourite colour is pink.
I believe in ghosts.
I'm not religious.
My favourite chocolate is Galaxy.
I can't swim.
My star sign is Libra.
I'm engaged to my first serious boyfriend.
I love theme parks and funfairs.
I'm scared of heights (but will go on certain rides!)
I hate flying.
I love pink stargazer lilies.
I really love Welsh accents.
If I could live anywhere it would be south Wales.
I love Home and Away and Neighbours.
I'm not a morning person.
I dislike the smell of lavender.
Sometimes I can be really shy at first.
My pet peeve is ignorance.
I have blue eyes.
I prefer shopping online to going round shops.
I have a younger sister.
There is a 12 year age gap between me and my other half.
I have never broken a bone *touch wood*.
I used to be scared of dogs but I'm not so bad now.
I don't like the colour red.
I wish I had the confidence to make youtube videos.
My favourite season is winter.
If I could look like any celebrity it would be Michelle Keegan.
I don't really tan.. just burn!
I'm supposed to wear glasses for reading/laptop/watching tv but rarely do.
I don't like the colour yellow.
I find Sean Paul mega hot!
I'm 5'4.
I'm scared of thunder and lightening.
I find the lead up to Christmas more exciting than Christmas itself.
I think blokes with long hair need a haircut.
My favourite alcoholic drink is bacardi & coke.
My favourite non-alcoholic drink is J20 (apple & raspberry).
I love the cracked glass effect on things like vases, candle holders etc.
I literally would be the grumpiest person ever without my phone.
I'm totally addicted to social networking.
So what did you score? :)
And link me up to yours if you're joining in!
Friday, 28 September 2012
I'm *blank* because..
I saw Brooke over at Covered In Grace do this post so I thought I would replace todays 'life' post with this :) So, I'm *blank* because..
I’m quirky because…
- I eat my food in order. Least favourite thing first, ending with my favourite. I've done it since I can remember, every meal, every day. I can't not do it - I can't have a bit of each thing.
- I cannot have chipped nails, it grates on me real bad so I paint my nails twice a week.
- I'm not massively girly but I LOVE girly movies.
- I have strong, traditional morals and values, which seems to be rare these days!
I’m a bad friend because...
- I don't make as much effort as I could (although I won't go out my way if you're not either!)
- Sometimes I judge the way you do things cause that's not how I'd do it.
- Unless you're one of my best friends I can take you or leave you.
- I don't always remember to think before I speak and can be too honest.
I'm a good friend because...
- I care about you and will always be there for you, good or bad.
- I think a lot of you (until you do something to change that).
- I'll always be honest/straight with you, you will always know where you stand.
- You can trust me and I'll always try to help.
- I will always have a bloody good laugh with you :)
I’m sad because…
- I want a job.. It's just so difficult to get one cause our country is shite.
- Me and Aaron have been trying for a baby but we're not having much luck and everyone around us is falling pregnant or having a baby.
- I want a pet but we can't have one here.
- A lot of my friends don't seem to have time for me anymore.
I’m happy because…
- I have Aaron and he makes me very, very happy.
- Me and Aaron have our own space again.
- Things seem better between me and my parents now.
- Me and my cousin Stacy are getting on really well again.
- Although I can't get a job right now, Aaron has a very well paying one, allowing us to have our own place and enjoy our lives.
I’m excited because…
- I'm about to become an auntie for the first time.
- Me and Aaron go on holiday in 2 weeks.
- It's nearly firework night and Christmas!
- Everything I've ordered with my Birthday money will be here soon :)
So...how about you? What are you blank because?
Use these six prompts and answer them with four to six truths.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
my birthday..
As you may or may not have seen, it was my 24th Birthday 2 days ago and in the post I said I would do another post letting you all know what I got and what I got up to.
I don't know about anyone else but in our family we tend to not go too mad on Birthdays then make sure Christmas is a goodun!
I opened my Birthday cards the day before my Birthday cause I'm too impatient (we don't open our Christmas cards on Christmas day do we.. that's my excuse!) so my birthday morning I didn't actually have anything to open lol.. Aaron was at work so I spent the day at home alone as usual. I had a bit of a pamper day so it was alright actually! I had to make sure I was ready for when Aaron got home from work as he took me out for a meal..
I guess you're wondering about presents as I said I had nothing to open! - Well I got money from Aarons parents and from my parents. I've always preferred money on my Birthday so that I can get stuff I want myself - plus I'm pretty hard to buy for! From Aaron, I got money, a subscription to She Said beauty box (SSBX), he's paying for me to have my hair done next weekend and 100ml Pacha - Psicodelic perfume, which has been my absolute favourite since we went to Ibiza 3 years ago.
I opened this perfume as soon as I got it as my other one had run out! If you ever get the chance to smell it, do! It is a very sweet smelling perfume and very cherry like. I don't eat cherries and I usually don't like the smell of them either but this is just lush! It is very hard to get hold of here in the UK as its Spanish, you can end up paying almost double to what you would if you got it overseas. Eeek! - But its so worth it ;)
I haven't got my first SSBX yet obviously so I cant show you but they send them end of the month so not long to wait, I'm getting excited already!
I never thought I'd say this but I'm struggling to spend my Birthday money! No, really! I'm not a massive fan of going shopping as it's usually ridiculously busy and I get mega stressed and grumpy so Aaron said I can put the money in the 'holiday spending money tin' and shop online instead :)
I took advantage of the Models Own 50% off sale (its still running - enter 'summersale' at the checkout!) yesterday so I'm dead excited for my items to arrive :)
Anyway, Aaron took me out to Beefeater for my Birthday meal. I really wanted to go there as their steaks are always cooked perfectly! - Nothing worse than having a steak and its cooked badly! I had 8oz sirloin, its my favourite :)
Beefeater do bottomless chips, meaning you can keep asking for more for free. Aaron always gets more :) I find what you get is enough though. For desert Aaron had apple crumble with custard and I had choc fudge brownie with ice cream. I've had it before and it is propersickly delish!!
This is what I looked like for my Birthday meal..
I wore blue skinny jeans, a black top, grey boyfriend blazer and black heels.
And this is Aaron.. looking very serious! lol :)
I don't know about anyone else but in our family we tend to not go too mad on Birthdays then make sure Christmas is a goodun!
I opened my Birthday cards the day before my Birthday cause I'm too impatient (we don't open our Christmas cards on Christmas day do we.. that's my excuse!) so my birthday morning I didn't actually have anything to open lol.. Aaron was at work so I spent the day at home alone as usual. I had a bit of a pamper day so it was alright actually! I had to make sure I was ready for when Aaron got home from work as he took me out for a meal..
I guess you're wondering about presents as I said I had nothing to open! - Well I got money from Aarons parents and from my parents. I've always preferred money on my Birthday so that I can get stuff I want myself - plus I'm pretty hard to buy for! From Aaron, I got money, a subscription to She Said beauty box (SSBX), he's paying for me to have my hair done next weekend and 100ml Pacha - Psicodelic perfume, which has been my absolute favourite since we went to Ibiza 3 years ago.
I opened this perfume as soon as I got it as my other one had run out! If you ever get the chance to smell it, do! It is a very sweet smelling perfume and very cherry like. I don't eat cherries and I usually don't like the smell of them either but this is just lush! It is very hard to get hold of here in the UK as its Spanish, you can end up paying almost double to what you would if you got it overseas. Eeek! - But its so worth it ;)
I haven't got my first SSBX yet obviously so I cant show you but they send them end of the month so not long to wait, I'm getting excited already!
I never thought I'd say this but I'm struggling to spend my Birthday money! No, really! I'm not a massive fan of going shopping as it's usually ridiculously busy and I get mega stressed and grumpy so Aaron said I can put the money in the 'holiday spending money tin' and shop online instead :)
I took advantage of the Models Own 50% off sale (its still running - enter 'summersale' at the checkout!) yesterday so I'm dead excited for my items to arrive :)
Anyway, Aaron took me out to Beefeater for my Birthday meal. I really wanted to go there as their steaks are always cooked perfectly! - Nothing worse than having a steak and its cooked badly! I had 8oz sirloin, its my favourite :)
Beefeater do bottomless chips, meaning you can keep asking for more for free. Aaron always gets more :) I find what you get is enough though. For desert Aaron had apple crumble with custard and I had choc fudge brownie with ice cream. I've had it before and it is proper
This is what I looked like for my Birthday meal..
I wore blue skinny jeans, a black top, grey boyfriend blazer and black heels.
And this is Aaron.. looking very serious! lol :)
Overall I had a good Birthday :) I really enjoyed the meal out with Aaron, we don't do it as much anymore so it's lovely when we do. I love my perfume, I cant wait to get my hair done, I'm excited for my SSBX and Models Own goodies to get here and now I'm going to continue browsing online for more things to order!
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
another quick post! models own polish..
Do you larrve models own nail polish? Do you like getting a bloody good bargain? - Course you doooo!!! Models Own are doing a 50% sale once they hit 100,000 likes on Facebook (clicky clicky right here!) and they're almost there (less than 500 to go) so should be in the next couple of days. Keep your eyes peeled on their Facebook page, I know I will be!
EDIT: the sale is now on! enter "summersale" at the checkout to receive your 50% discount!
EDIT: the sale is now on! enter "summersale" at the checkout to receive your 50% discount!
* Please note I haven't been asked to do this post at all, I just think it's a fantastic offer and cause I'm kind and brilliant and stuff, I thought I'd share with anyone that didn't already know about it! Enjoy! Can't wait to see everybodys posts once we've all put big orders in lol :)
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
its my birthday!
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to mee!
oohyeah so today is my birthday, my 24th to be exact. next year ill be halfway to 50 :O
anyway i thought id do a quick post as i havent done one in a few days but i do have a few different ones lined up so keep your eyes peeled :) a quick hint for you..
- im going to do a post on my birthday, what i got up to and what i got etc.
- i started a new skin care routine 2 weeks ago with products i'd never used before so that will be another post.
- i am also going to be doing a post with pictures of our new place since moving everything in and decorating, giving you a chance to have a nosey into my home.. we all love a good nosey, right?!
oohyeah so today is my birthday, my 24th to be exact. next year ill be halfway to 50 :O
anyway i thought id do a quick post as i havent done one in a few days but i do have a few different ones lined up so keep your eyes peeled :) a quick hint for you..
- im going to do a post on my birthday, what i got up to and what i got etc.
- i started a new skin care routine 2 weeks ago with products i'd never used before so that will be another post.
- i am also going to be doing a post with pictures of our new place since moving everything in and decorating, giving you a chance to have a nosey into my home.. we all love a good nosey, right?!
Friday, 21 September 2012
life #8
Merrrrrrrr!!!! <- that is precisely how I'm feeling right now!! Unfortunately some bugger has given me a cold so I'm sat drinking bacardi and coke, listening to some old 80s tunes with a tissue and bottle of olbas oil by my side whilst feeling extremely sorry for myself! :( I have no idea who I've caught it off cause I don't know anyone that's been ill lately or I'd go and sneeze on them, as a polite way of saying thanks a bunch! Lol :)
Luckily for me, Aaron is looking after me, he even went to Tesco after work last night to get me Lemsip, Strepsils and yummy honey and lemon cough syrup.. and chocolate :D I made dinner like I always do when he got in tonight but he done the washing up for me and has been making Lemsips for me, aw :) he's a goodun.

I mentioned in a post a while back about me and my younger sister not being on speaking terms. Well we've decided to be civil and try and get along a bit for the sake of mum and dad - so it's not awkward. We both agreed we don't forgive each other for things but we're both willing to put our differences aside so that mum and dad don't feel stuck in the middle anymore. Also, I'm due to be an aunty very, very soon. She said she wants me and Aaron to be a part of her little girls life and we'd like that too. She is due the day before my birthday (24th) but everyone thinks she's going to pop before then!
Tomorrow evening we have my parents round for a take away - providing my sister doesn't go into labour as mum is her birthing partner. Sunday we have Aarons parents round for the first time. Hopefully that goes well, they haven't seen our new place yet. I reckon Aarons mum will like it (and keep telling us!) but I'd put money on it that his dad picks out all the faults! - He always points out the negatives and can't ever say something nice, ever. He would never congratulate someone or say well done to Aaron for anything and never has - even when he was growing up. Meany.
Tuesday is my 24th birthday.. I'm getting old!! :( (I'll never catch Aaron up though, hehe!)
Aaron is taking me out for a meal at Beefeater, not exactly romantic but I absolutely love it there and I really wanted to go as their steak is so delish!! I also know what I'm getting as I told him what I wanted.. We just moved and have a holiday in a few weeks so thought he might as well get me things I'm really wanting :) I reckon Aarons parents will get me a New Look voucher as they know I pretty much only shop there! And I have absolutely no idea what my parents are getting me! But of course I will do a post about my Birthday a couple days after :)
Anyway, I'm probably only nattering away to myself and I'm getting tired so I might go have cuddles in bed with my lovely man :) hope you all have a good weekend!
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
wishlist #6
This week I have decided to do a plus size wishlist. (what a tongue twizzler! - try saying it fast! - I ended up with plush size wishlish!!)
I know this may not be for everyone but I wear plus size clothing sometimes (im a 16/18) so it is definitely something I want to do every now and then :)
You may or may not know that I absolutely LOVE New Look. It is where 90% of my wardrobe is from and 100% of my clothes hangers!! - This wasn't done on purpose, I just order online so often!
I can't wear trousers/jeans from the Inspire range as they're too big but I can wear anything on my top half and dresses. I actually prefer tops from the Inspire range as they tend to be nicer fitting for my figure. Also, tops they have in the normal range and the Inspire range, I find the Inspire range ones are longer which I prefer.
Anyway, lets get on with it shall we :)
1. Owl tshirt - £9.99
2. Animal print jumper - £24.99
3. Ombre cardigan - £24.99
4. Orange dress - £40.00
5. Black dress - £40.00
As always, I really like them all, of course - its a wishlist! But my absolute faves are #2 and #5.
I'm really trying to get out of my comfort zone when it comes to clothes and I think all of the above are things I wouldn't have chosen last year. I used to stick to plain clothes, mostly in black. Now, I have a wide range of colours in my wardrobe and slowly but surely I'm getting more patterned or printed clothes too. What do you think of the above?
I know this may not be for everyone but I wear plus size clothing sometimes (im a 16/18) so it is definitely something I want to do every now and then :)
You may or may not know that I absolutely LOVE New Look. It is where 90% of my wardrobe is from and 100% of my clothes hangers!! - This wasn't done on purpose, I just order online so often!
I can't wear trousers/jeans from the Inspire range as they're too big but I can wear anything on my top half and dresses. I actually prefer tops from the Inspire range as they tend to be nicer fitting for my figure. Also, tops they have in the normal range and the Inspire range, I find the Inspire range ones are longer which I prefer.
Anyway, lets get on with it shall we :)
1. Owl tshirt - £9.99
2. Animal print jumper - £24.99
3. Ombre cardigan - £24.99
4. Orange dress - £40.00
5. Black dress - £40.00
As always, I really like them all, of course - its a wishlist! But my absolute faves are #2 and #5.
I'm really trying to get out of my comfort zone when it comes to clothes and I think all of the above are things I wouldn't have chosen last year. I used to stick to plain clothes, mostly in black. Now, I have a wide range of colours in my wardrobe and slowly but surely I'm getting more patterned or printed clothes too. What do you think of the above?
Monday, 17 September 2012
autumn tag
Gabby from lovefromlondres (check out her blog!) tagged me for this so I thought sod it why not! I often see tags and think ooh that looks fun... then completely forget to do it.. not this time! :)

Its finally Fall/Autumn, what are you most looking forward to in this season?
I'm most looking forward to the hot weather buggering off (I dont like it sticky hot) and getting my jumpers, scarves, boots and gloves out! Plus curling up on the sofa with a cuppa and my pink fluffy blanket.. Firework night is a handful of weeks away too and then its Christmas, oohyeah! Oh and snow is always good too! Love snow!
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the day we got stuck in the snow! |
Which item in your closet are you most excited to pull out?
I'm most looking forward to wearing my scarves again! I have quite a few different scarves, some really thick chunky knits for when its extra cold, thin scarves for milder days and many in between :)
Since Halloween is the first holiday to
celebrate, we all get treated with a horror movie marathon all months
long...What is your favourite scary movie to watch?
I much prefer a good chick flick to scary films but I do enjoy ones like Paranormal Activity.. I cant stand ones like Wrong Turn, The Ring, The Grudge, Scream.. - they're so tacky and really not scary!
What is your favourite fall treat?
I always think things like hot chocolate and milky coffee taste better when its cold out :)

Now that summer is finally over, what will you miss about it?
I will miss the days where it was warm with a lush cool breeze and bbqs but that really is about it, I'm not really a summer person!
What makeup/ beauty products do you love for Autumn/Fall?
Ooh this is a tough one.. I wouldn't say I really change my make up/beauty products too much for the seasons, I do go for less bright colours on my nails though!
What have you recently bought in preparation for the up and coming season?
I saw this gorgeous scarf in Peacocks when i went shopping with my mum the other week (click here to see the haul) and had to have it so I'm really looking forward to wearing that..
Have you ever been trick or treating?
Of course, I always used to go when I was younger, loved it!
Name the first 5 things that come to your head when you think of Autumn/Fall.
- Firework night (I LOVE fireworks!! and sparklers!)
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my sparkler on new years :) |
- Pumpkins (love carving them but never eaten it!)
pumpkins i carved last year :) |
- Crunchy leaves to jump on!
- Hocus Pocus (the movie)
- The fact its getting closer to Christmas :D
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messing about with xmas lights round mum & dads last year! |
What is your favourite season and why?
Autumn and winter are deffo my favourite seasons.. All the best things happen! - My Birthday,
Firework night and Christmas.. and no hot sticky weather! - Dont you think everyone looks so cute in winter when its cold and the end of their nose turns a little red? Arr! :)
Everybody! I really love reading posts like this so if you do it, pleease link me so I can have a read as I wont see it if I dont already follow you and may even miss it if I do! :)
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