"I bet you say that to all the boys!" - Meatloaf - You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth.
Last week I had a bit of a crappy week - see last weeks post here - but thankfully this week has been my 'silver lining' :)
Something that made me sad..
If you follow me on Twitter you may be aware that last Monday we said goodbye to our cats, Dotty and Callie :( This wasn't a decision we made lightly at all. We took them in because our neighbour wasn't looking after them (they'd been taken from their mum too young and left on their own for 2/3 months, he only went back to feed them) and while Dotty was very loving towards me at times, Callie wouldn't come near me and neither of them would go to Aaron. If we had people round, they'd hide up the whole time. We gave them time, many treats and as much love as we could but nothing was changing and we decided they'd be better off with someone else that didn't mind/could deal with it.. We both love cats and wanted pets we'd get something from, like love and cuddles, do you know what I mean? We made sure they went to a very loving home (a family with 3 children) and the woman has stayed in contact which is lovely. They're getting on really well and Callie has been giving them cuddles already! Jelly!
Something that made me smile..
After saying a teary goodbye to my baby, Dotty, the house felt so empty and it made me really sad. Aaron even said it didn't seem right.. So we had a talk and decided we'd like to get more cats but this time have them straight from their mum at 8 weeks old. We done some searching and found a woman who's cat had just had a litter and she invited us to have first pick. We went down a couple of days ago to have cuddles (with the kittens LOL) and pick the one's we'd like and left a deposit. I can't wait to get them, they'll be ready in just over 2 weeks. One is black with white socks and a triangle of white on his nose, one is full tabby and the other is a stripey tabby with white socks. We chose 3.. Aaron wanted 4 but we have to think of vets bills don't we.
The sun finally showing it's warm face has also made me very happy this week. I find when the sun is out, I'm instantly in a better mood. We also took the car out Sunday with the roof down and it was lush!

Can't stop listening to..
Meatloaf songs! - My parents are going to see him in August and I'm so jelly. I might ask Aaron if he fancies going too seeing as it is his last tour. I do love me a bit of Meatloaf. My favourites are: I'd Lie For You, You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth, Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad..
Looking forward to..
Getting our babies obviously! I've been buying kitten food and things already!
More of this nice weather (please don't go away Mr Sun!)
Getting my order from Superdrug which included some Real Techniques brushes :D
Putting my new chest of draws together tomorrow so I have more space and can get rid of the horrible plastic storage! - Does anyone else really enjoy putting flat packed things together?!
What have you been up to this past week? xxx
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