My sister, Ocean and her little one, Skye come over today and I was talking to her about my blog and how much I love doing it.. Which made her want to start one! Her blog will mostly be updates on Skye as she'd like to look back when she's a bit older, which is a lovely idea :) She said it will be a baby and lifestyle blog.
Please please check it out and maybe give her a follow? :)
Ooh, this evening I got some good news, Ocean and her other half, Karl have put in for a house just down the road from us. How freaking exciting is that!! It will be great to see her and Skye lots :)
Speaking of good news, as I'm getting a good camera for Crimbo, I'm planning on starting to make YouTube videos. I've wanted to for a while but after Christmas I'm going to take the plunge, yay! Because I'll be seeing Ocean a lot more, you can expect to see her in a lot of them too, super duper excitemento!!!
Hope you're liking the Christmassy feel on the blog too ;)
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
Christmas traditions..
When it comes to Christmas day (or even Christmas eve - Boxing day) most of us have traditions or a certain way we usually do things and our family is no exception although since leaving home, I haven't yet settled into my own way of doing things, which makes me sad :(
Whilst living with my parents and for as long as I can remember this was how we done things..
Christmas eve we'd stay in together in the evening and have a Chinese take away for dinner then just before we went to bed we were allowed to open one small present each.
Christmas morning we'd get up around 6/7am and we would rummage through our stockings (we both got stockings til we were 18/19!) then go into mum and dads room. When we were little we'd show them what Santa had left us but as we got older we went in to wake them up/thank them/snout through each others stockings!
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Me, Mum & Ocean messing about with xmas lights last year. |
After we'd all opened our presents we would all go back and look through what we got properly, as kids we'd sit and play then when we got older we'd sort everything out/take it upstairs or try out whatever we'd got while Mum and Dad cooked lunch. We have always had a turkey for lunch and always had crackers.. and always worn the silly hats! - It's law! After lunch we'd ring round and thank everybody then carry on playing or as we got older we'd sit together as a family and play some games and have a giggle.
Boxing day was usually about seeing other family members and having a cold turkey dinner with pickles and bits like that.
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Mum & Dad in the costumes Oce got them as a joke! |
Last year, my sister, Ocean and I (plus our other halves - Karl and Aaron) spent Christmas at Mum and Dads. Christmas eve was exactly the same as usual - Chinese and a present before bed.
Christmas morning we had a small fry up (with orange juice!) then once we were all ready, we opened presents one at a time, appreciating every one. We sat together for a turkey dinner (with our silly hats) and a bottle of bubbles then later on in the afternoon we were playing games like Who's In The Bag? and Mr and Mrs (me and Aaron won, oohyeah!) and had many drinks. Me and Aaron left Boxing day and went to Aaron's parents where we had a cold turkey dinner and sat watching TV most of afternoon/evening (they are older remember..)
The year before mum and dad went away for Christmas and my sister went with them. We spent Christmas alone and didn't really do much to be honest! We did do most of what we usually would apart from playing games!
This year we have Christmas eve and Christmas day on our own. Aaron's parents are going away and my parents are spending Christmas day with my sister, her other half and my sisters little one, Skye.
We'll probably have a Chinese Christmas eve but I'm not sure if we'll open a present before bed.. When you get older you get way less presents!! Well, you do in our family anyway! Christmas day we'll cook a small turkey and have a bottle of bubbles but I bet we don't wear the silly hats. We'll take it in turns with presents and listen to Christmas music but it just won't feel the same, I know it.
Boxing day we have my parents round late afternoon and over night so I'm sure there will be lots of drinking and games played.. plus a cold turkey dinner. Aaron's parents will come round when they get back from their holiday and I haven't spoken to my sister about seeing them yet but we will.
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Skye last week, isn't she the cutest! |
I wish it still felt really special as you got older but I know for us at least, the sparkle has most definitely faded. Maybe if we have children one day, it will be for them how it was for me when I was younger.. I still get excited about decorating the house though! :)
What are your traditions and have they changed now you've left home (if you have)??
P.S.. Do you like my background? ;) - I can't wait for it to snow!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Get to know me, If ya like :)
Ashleigh over at Life Highs Lows and Garb tagged me in this post and I wouldn't usually do the post BUT this time I wanted to :) You should all go and say hi to Ashleigh because she is super lovely and is the friendliest person I've got talking to since I started blogging. I wish there were more bloggers like her :)
The rules...
Post 11 random facts about yourself
Answer 11 question's from the person who tagged you
Create 11 new questions for who you tag
Tag 11 blogs with under 200 followers, and no tag back
I'm not going to be doing that bit, I just wanted to to the first 2 really! :)
11 Facts About Me..
1. I'm 24. Unless you've read my 'about me' you'd probably think I'm younger!
2. I don't drive. I tried a couple years back but it makes me too nervous!
3. I am very strong minded and have very strong opinions.
4. I'm usually a very good judge of character.
5. I love blogging but I constantly feel like I'm on the outside looking in.
6. I have 3 tattoos (a swirly thing on my ankle, a star on my forearm and a heart on my little finger)
7. I'm supposed to wear glasses for computer/tv and reading but rarely wear them.
8. I love making new friends even though I'm shy at first, that soon disappears!
9. I used to go clubbing twice a week religiously, now I don't enjoy it at all.
10. I only like Yorkshire tea and my coffee has to be milky.
11. I *love* singing but I'm not very good at it!
11 Questions From Ashleigh..
1. What made you start writing a blog?
- I watched videos on youtube for ages (mostly hair/make up tutorials) and they always said to check their blog out and after doing so I wanted in on the blogging world!
2. Tell me one thing you want to achieve in your life.
- The thing I want most is to marry Aaron. We're engaged but we have to try and get a divorce done next year although we don't know where his ex is living so it's going to be difficult. Plus I'm sure she will be as awkward as she can. It will be a massive headache but it will be so worth it!
3. or hate?!
- LOVE! I don't like it in a sarnie but I love it on toast or on crumpets.. Ooh and a teaspoon of it in my gravy, makes it so tasty!
4. What is your top beauty tip?
- To always look after your skin. For ages I didn't and now I have rubbish skin but since blogging and buying various products I now make sure I look after it.
5. What are your Sunday afternoons made for?
- We always get the shopping done in the morning then we have the rest of the day to chill out and have some quality time together.
6. Looking back, what fashion or beauty trend did you regret trying?
- When I was at upper school/college I went through a bit of an 'emo/scene' stage, cringe! I'm talking skinny jeans, nike dunks, backbrushed mullet hair, thick eyeliner, huuge sunglasses.. I'll have to post pics for a laugh!! I thought I was SO cool but when I see pictures now I'm like oh my good god!!
7. What 3 people, living or dead, would you invite to your dinner party?
- Kelly Osbourne, Stacey Solomon and Nicki Minaj. I have always loved Kelly Osbourne, I love how she speaks her mind and doesn't care what people think of her. Stacey seems like a really lovely, down to earth girl and a right laugh and Nicki Minaj, well, I just love her! She's awesome awesome.
8. What is your "go to" fashion item, in an emergency going out situation?!
- Skinny jeans. I love how they can be dressed up or down and you don't need to shave your legs either, bonus! Haha :)
9. What shop do you walk into and have to be dragged out of?
- New Look! 98% of my wardrobe is New Look and all of my clothes hangers are New Look ones! Is that bad?! Oopsy! I can't help it, they're reasonably priced and I know their sizes so well that I don't need to try things on - which I hate doing cause it takes too long!
10. If you could only have mascara or lipstick for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
- Mascara, definitely. I wear mascara a lot more than I wear lipstick *flutters eyes*
11. Please tell me...why did the chicken cross the road?
- To get in my oven so I could have a lovely roast chicken gravy dinner!!

The rules...
Post 11 random facts about yourself
Answer 11 question's from the person who tagged you
Tag 11 blogs with under 200 followers, and no tag back
I'm not going to be doing that bit, I just wanted to to the first 2 really! :)
11 Facts About Me..
1. I'm 24. Unless you've read my 'about me' you'd probably think I'm younger!
2. I don't drive. I tried a couple years back but it makes me too nervous!
3. I am very strong minded and have very strong opinions.
4. I'm usually a very good judge of character.
5. I love blogging but I constantly feel like I'm on the outside looking in.
6. I have 3 tattoos (a swirly thing on my ankle, a star on my forearm and a heart on my little finger)
7. I'm supposed to wear glasses for computer/tv and reading but rarely wear them.
8. I love making new friends even though I'm shy at first, that soon disappears!
9. I used to go clubbing twice a week religiously, now I don't enjoy it at all.
10. I only like Yorkshire tea and my coffee has to be milky.
11. I *love* singing but I'm not very good at it!
11 Questions From Ashleigh..
1. What made you start writing a blog?
- I watched videos on youtube for ages (mostly hair/make up tutorials) and they always said to check their blog out and after doing so I wanted in on the blogging world!
2. Tell me one thing you want to achieve in your life.
- The thing I want most is to marry Aaron. We're engaged but we have to try and get a divorce done next year although we don't know where his ex is living so it's going to be difficult. Plus I'm sure she will be as awkward as she can. It will be a massive headache but it will be so worth it!
3. or hate?!
- LOVE! I don't like it in a sarnie but I love it on toast or on crumpets.. Ooh and a teaspoon of it in my gravy, makes it so tasty!
4. What is your top beauty tip?
- To always look after your skin. For ages I didn't and now I have rubbish skin but since blogging and buying various products I now make sure I look after it.
5. What are your Sunday afternoons made for?
- We always get the shopping done in the morning then we have the rest of the day to chill out and have some quality time together.
6. Looking back, what fashion or beauty trend did you regret trying?
- When I was at upper school/college I went through a bit of an 'emo/scene' stage, cringe! I'm talking skinny jeans, nike dunks, backbrushed mullet hair, thick eyeliner, huuge sunglasses.. I'll have to post pics for a laugh!! I thought I was SO cool but when I see pictures now I'm like oh my good god!!
7. What 3 people, living or dead, would you invite to your dinner party?
- Kelly Osbourne, Stacey Solomon and Nicki Minaj. I have always loved Kelly Osbourne, I love how she speaks her mind and doesn't care what people think of her. Stacey seems like a really lovely, down to earth girl and a right laugh and Nicki Minaj, well, I just love her! She's awesome awesome.
8. What is your "go to" fashion item, in an emergency going out situation?!
- Skinny jeans. I love how they can be dressed up or down and you don't need to shave your legs either, bonus! Haha :)
9. What shop do you walk into and have to be dragged out of?
- New Look! 98% of my wardrobe is New Look and all of my clothes hangers are New Look ones! Is that bad?! Oopsy! I can't help it, they're reasonably priced and I know their sizes so well that I don't need to try things on - which I hate doing cause it takes too long!
10. If you could only have mascara or lipstick for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
- Mascara, definitely. I wear mascara a lot more than I wear lipstick *flutters eyes*
11. Please tell me...why did the chicken cross the road?
- To get in my oven so I could have a lovely roast chicken gravy dinner!!
mini haul
I'm not quite sure what has taken so long to get this post up as I bought these things 2 weeks ago now but better late than never, eh? And if I hadn't said, you'd never have known anyway ;)
Superdrug have their 3 for 2 so I had to get some more bits!
Collection 2000 (yes, I will keep calling them that til they actually change the bloomin packaging!) Lasting Perfection Foundation in Ivory, black hair ring/donut, 'natural black' hair dye, Collection 2000 Sheer Loose Powder, MUA Sheer Finish lipgloss and a foundation brush.
This foundation has been raved about by many a blogger and after deciding to try wearing foundation again (now I have a good primer - stupid large pores!) I thought I'd give this a go and I'm really glad I did! I have naturally quite oily skin too (yeah, great face I've got, eh!) so this is the kind of foundation I've needed all along. I absolutely love the packaging, its glass and it feels much more expensive that it is (£5.99) - very reasonable price. Most important of all, it's a really good product! It applied nicely, looked great and it stayed on my face so I was well impressed. Highly recommend! :)
No no no, I didn't buy 2 hair donuts, just the one on the right.. But I thought I'd sit it next to my other one (standard size that you can buy everywhere) so you can see the size difference. It's not the massive massive one you can get (which I reallyyy want but can't really afford) but it's slightly bigger and I love it! I love a big bun, it's great for when you just cannot be arsed to straighten your hair :D or if it's raining etc. I can't get my hand over this one to hold the hair in place like the smaller one so it takes slightly longer to use but I prefer it because the end result is nicer so it's worth it. This cost £5.09.
Right now my roots are about an inch from my head. It's horrible and I hate it.. So I bought this. I've been dying my hair since middle school (and had every single colour apart from grey!) my natural hair colour is chocolate brown but I prefer myself with real dark hair. BUT.. Since buying this I've been thinking about doing something different with my hair colour wise but I'm not sure what (answers on a post card!) So I'm holding off using this until I know what I'm doing! I'm not sure how much it cost cause Aaron got me it from Morissons!
I like loose powder over my foundation so I thought I'd try some of this. I like that it's sheer because when my horrible oily skin starts getting a bit shiny in the day I can brush some of this over without it making a difference to the colour (and without really needing a mirror!) The packaging is plain and simple, nothing to shout about and yeah, that's about it really! Good stuff, I likey. £2.99.
After the trouble I had with the pumping lipgloss from MUA (see this post) I thought I'd better get another lipgloss to replace it and I picked this one up. It looks dark but it's sheer so it's only very very very slight on your lips which I really like. It doesn't stay on forever but what lipglosses do! It does, however last a little longer than some others I have, maybe because it's a little bit thicker/gooeyer? I like that about it though. The packaging is cheap and cheerful but with a £1.00 price tag, you can't complain. I would repurchase and will be buying other shades (even though they're sheer!)
Lastly, the foundation brush, which Callie was fascinated by apparently!! I just got Superdrugs own brand one as I didn't know how I'd get on with the foundation but as I got on very well, once this one dies I will get a better one. Though for the price (£3.99) its actually not bad at all, it's reallyyy soft and my foundation went on lovely so there's nothing bad to say about it.
There we have it, do you have any of these items? If so what are your thoughts?
I am also going shopping Saturday with mother and we're bound to come back with A LOT so expect another haul sometime soon :)
Thursday, 15 November 2012
How I really feel, how I see myself and why.
I'm sure you're all familiar with Zoe from Zoella and her blog post and video she done about anxiety etc.. If you haven't seen them.. then you should. Simples. Not long after, another girl I follow, Jacquina wrote a similar post about herself.
Reading Zoes and Jacquinas posts made me realise things about myself that I'd always brushed under the carpet before.. After Zoes post I'd been toying with the idea of getting it all off my chest in a post on here but kept putting it off until I read Jacquinas and thought 'sod it' why shouldn't I?
As far back as I can remember I have always had low self esteem and it has always stopped me from doing things that I've wanted to do. I wish it was as easy as just saying yes, like Zoe mentions doing but to me and probably many others, it is not that easy at all. Don't get me wrong, I know what she's saying, only I can change it and it really is a matter of just going for it.. but when it comes down to it, for me it's not that easy to do.
I have never liked myself or liked much about myself either. Okay so if I had to name something then I like my hair (sometimes!) and I think I am a good person.. but everything else I'm pretty unhappy with. Again, only I can change it and do something about it but it's the doing it and getting out of the cycle.. that is the real hard part and I feel like I don't have it in me but wish I did so bad.. Does that make any sense?!
Some people don't know why they feel like this or what caused it. I know exactly why I'm "scared" of doing things alone and constantly worry about everything and how others see me. I was bullied at school.. Primary school was fine but middle school and upper school were shite. I was picked on for dressing differently (I went through a bit of a goth/emo stage, cringe!) and for being overweight. Funny thing was, I was only a size 12-14 at upper school, hardly morbidly obese but I was an easy target because I've always been quite shy. I also didn't have many friends at the school I went to and it wasn't unusual to spend breaks or lunch on my own. As you can imagine, this really got to me and my work started going downhill.. Quite frankly, I didn't give a shit anymore. Because I was made to feel miserable every day, I lost interest in caring about my future and I got bad GCSE results.
I'd let these people make me feel so crappy about myself and in turn let it affect my future. I still got into college, not on the course I wanted though because of my grades.. But for the first time in years I wasn't bullied. I actually had a lovely group of friends (or so I thought) whom I had some real good laughs with.. Unfortunately, I enjoyed the fact that I had a group of friends for the first time since primary school so much so that I didn't focus on my work. I still had a bit of an attitude though and half way through the course I quit when the teacher told me I wasn't working hard enough. I'm an idiot and I really regret doing that. My 'lovely group of friends' were all 'too busy' for me after that too - that is actually what one of them said to me!
So, I was bullied for 8 years and can honestly say I've always been let down by supposed friends, every single one. I've never had a real good best friend that has been there and not once let me down. I think even now, all the closest people to me have done things that they shouldn't have thus letting me down. It's no wonder I don't think much of myself when I put it like that! - Not saying I'm perfect, I know I've done wrong too but some of the things, I would never do.
I've always wished I had a close knit group of friends or at least one really good one that is there for me no matter what, will never let me down, always be honest and caring and most of all have a proper good laugh. Someone I can chat with about anything and they won't get annoyed about it, someone I know would never talk badly about me behind my back because they aren't 2 faced and actually think enough of me that they wouldn't have anything to bitch about and someone that would know I would give all of the above in return. I have never had that and it makes me sad but I hope one day I will find a real gem of a friend :)
I think all of the above (plus a few other things that I really don't want to speak about) have made me who I am today and not for the better. Being bullied and feeling let down has made me think so little of myself, that I'm not worth the bother, that other people probably think bad things about me too. It has made me shy and worst of all caused me problems with anxiety. Between college and meeting Aaron (3 or 4 years) I felt panicky about even walking down to the local shop on my own, getting on a bus made me feel physically sick, infact doing anything or going anywhere on my own was a big no no. I couldn't pick the phone up and talk to anyone apart from my parents, the thought of it made me freak out, I'd get sweaty palms and go all weird! I failed learning to drive because anytime I thought I'd done something wrong, I'd go into a panic, shaking, crying.. Needless to say, I never passed my test! The last couple of times I've been on a plane I've had an anxiety/panic attack (sweaty palms, panicky feeling, nausea, struggling to breathe, hot and cold flushes, fidgeting..) and now I do my best to avoid a holiday abroad which is sucky :/
When I met Aaron, I still couldn't pop into the town on my own or talk to people on the phone but I'm getting better. Aaron is confident and he (like many other family members) thinks it's silly when I say I can't do something because he doesn't get it. I've never really sat down and explained how I get all anxious and freak out.. It's one of those things nobody ever seems to talk about isn't it? Maybe I should.. But then because he's confident, it's very likely he'll say "what's the worst that could happen? They're just people like you, just do it!" but as I said above, it's not as easy as saying "just do it" and doing it. You can't automatically change just like that after years of the same thing..?
So, as I said, things are getting a bit better, I feel Aaron has made me a bit more confident in some areas.. I will walk up town or down to the shop on my own now (I couldn't get on a bus/train and go into the city on my own though, I'm not there just yet!), I'm not too bad with buses.. I will get on them but they do make me feel a little nervous (sweaty palms, fidgety hands/feet etc) and I'm getting better at talking on the phone. I can talk to mum, dad, my sister Ocean and Aaron.. I struggle with other family and friends and often make excuses as to why I haven't answered instead of telling them I'm a complete plank! I'm not too bad at ringing companies now, I still get nervous and come out with silly things but at least I do it! - I was so proud of myself last week when I phoned E.ON!! A couple of years ago, I went through a really bad stage of feeling anxious (nausea, worry, panic..) whenever we went out for a meal somewhere busy or going away for the weekend, which really spoiled it but I'm nearly there with that now..
Image wise, I'm not sure I'll ever be happy. I'm a size 16/18 on the bottom and a size 18/20 on the top. I feel several sizes larger than I actually am, which is silly because I'm not quite that big, deep down I do know this but on a day to day basis, that is how I feel like I look.. Please note: I do not want to cause any offense. I'm not in any way saying it is horrible to look bigger than me or that you should feel how I feel, I'm simply trying to explain that I feel bigger than I really am. I have friends that are larger and they're beautiful and happy in their skin which is fantastic but I'm not happy in my skin and that's what I'm trying to get across. It's just personal preference that I would like to be a bit smaller like I used to be.
This is so cringe but I'm gonna do it anyway.. This is me, full length.. Eeeeek!
I don't often get compliments for how I look, this is normal to me but I wish it wasn't.. Aaron has never been the sort to shower me with compliments, unfortunately. I have tried explaining it would be lovely if he said something nice about how I look once in a while because it gets me down but nothing changed. I do wonder why he's with me sometimes but I suppose if he didn't want to be with me, he wouldn't be. When I get dressed up to go out he does say "Oh you look nice Tiff" which is about as good as it gets! I don't want to look 'nice' I want to look pretty or something a bit nicer than nice..! When I asked him why he's with me a couple months back he said "we just get on well don't we.. you look after me and we have a laugh" to me, that's something you say about your friend.. No mention of my looks which makes me think I must be ugly and he's not attracted to me. I said to him "are you actually attracted to me?" and he said "I wouldn't be with you if I wasn't" Am I just being silly?
Before I was with Aaron I was with a bloke for 2 months. In these 2 months he treated me like a complete knob. He referred to me as ugly, as in "oi, ugly, come here" and I never stuck up for myself. He flirted with my friends right in front of me and one night in a club I was dancing with my friend (a girl) and he stormed off saying he'd seen me dancing with a bloke. He went downstairs to the table we'd been sitting at and kissed another girl in front of me before walking out of the club. The last straw was when he picked me up one night, I'd said something he obviously didn't like and he punched me.
Before him, I was seeing a bloke that treated me like a princess most of the time. He said all the right things all the time and was always complimenting me and making me feel special. Trouble is, I met him at the wrong time in my life and I messed it up because I was holding back so much.. Not wanting to believe he was a genuinely nice bloke.
And before him I was with a guy for 6 months and I finished it because he got very obsessive and clingy. One weekend he stayed round mine and sat outside the toilet while I had a wee!!
I guess all of this put together is why I struggle with anxiety and worry and feeling panicky. I literally do worry about everything and anything but I can't help it. If I had a nugget for every time Aaron told me to stop worrying, I wouldn't need a job!
Without thinking, I automatically think everybody is judging me and doesn't like me or won't like me. I find it hard to believe somebody would want to be my friend because I'm fat and ugly. I feel really sad writing that but I'm being honest..
I have a job interview Tuesday for an admin apprenticeship and I'm so nervous and worried that I'm considering not even going. Part of me thinks I should just go but the other part of me is worrying because I don't know where the entrance to the building is (silly I know!) and I don't want to look or feel an idiot standing outside not knowing how to get in but also because I think they won't want to employ me based on my looks. I keep thinking there will be other girls there that are so much prettier and have a nicer figure and they'll want them over me. I'm also worried because I'll have to get the bus there and back every day. Plus I've never had an interview before (I got my last job without interview cause my mum worked there) so I don't know what to expect or how I'll answer questions..
I'm really fed up of feeling like this is controlling my life because it is, isn't it? I wish I had more confidence, I wish I had a bit nicer figure (really want to get back down to a size 14) and I wish I didn't worry or feel nervous about things. I know that only I can do something about it, it's just breaking that cycle and maybe even asking for help.. But them I'm too worried to!!
I know what it's like to feel alone when you're feeling all of this and you feel like you have nobody to talk to so if anybody would like to talk or just fancies a chat then I'm all ears.. Well, eyes :) Email me, I'd love to hear from you -
Reading Zoes and Jacquinas posts made me realise things about myself that I'd always brushed under the carpet before.. After Zoes post I'd been toying with the idea of getting it all off my chest in a post on here but kept putting it off until I read Jacquinas and thought 'sod it' why shouldn't I?
As far back as I can remember I have always had low self esteem and it has always stopped me from doing things that I've wanted to do. I wish it was as easy as just saying yes, like Zoe mentions doing but to me and probably many others, it is not that easy at all. Don't get me wrong, I know what she's saying, only I can change it and it really is a matter of just going for it.. but when it comes down to it, for me it's not that easy to do.
I have never liked myself or liked much about myself either. Okay so if I had to name something then I like my hair (sometimes!) and I think I am a good person.. but everything else I'm pretty unhappy with. Again, only I can change it and do something about it but it's the doing it and getting out of the cycle.. that is the real hard part and I feel like I don't have it in me but wish I did so bad.. Does that make any sense?!
Some people don't know why they feel like this or what caused it. I know exactly why I'm "scared" of doing things alone and constantly worry about everything and how others see me. I was bullied at school.. Primary school was fine but middle school and upper school were shite. I was picked on for dressing differently (I went through a bit of a goth/emo stage, cringe!) and for being overweight. Funny thing was, I was only a size 12-14 at upper school, hardly morbidly obese but I was an easy target because I've always been quite shy. I also didn't have many friends at the school I went to and it wasn't unusual to spend breaks or lunch on my own. As you can imagine, this really got to me and my work started going downhill.. Quite frankly, I didn't give a shit anymore. Because I was made to feel miserable every day, I lost interest in caring about my future and I got bad GCSE results.
I'd let these people make me feel so crappy about myself and in turn let it affect my future. I still got into college, not on the course I wanted though because of my grades.. But for the first time in years I wasn't bullied. I actually had a lovely group of friends (or so I thought) whom I had some real good laughs with.. Unfortunately, I enjoyed the fact that I had a group of friends for the first time since primary school so much so that I didn't focus on my work. I still had a bit of an attitude though and half way through the course I quit when the teacher told me I wasn't working hard enough. I'm an idiot and I really regret doing that. My 'lovely group of friends' were all 'too busy' for me after that too - that is actually what one of them said to me!
So, I was bullied for 8 years and can honestly say I've always been let down by supposed friends, every single one. I've never had a real good best friend that has been there and not once let me down. I think even now, all the closest people to me have done things that they shouldn't have thus letting me down. It's no wonder I don't think much of myself when I put it like that! - Not saying I'm perfect, I know I've done wrong too but some of the things, I would never do.
I've always wished I had a close knit group of friends or at least one really good one that is there for me no matter what, will never let me down, always be honest and caring and most of all have a proper good laugh. Someone I can chat with about anything and they won't get annoyed about it, someone I know would never talk badly about me behind my back because they aren't 2 faced and actually think enough of me that they wouldn't have anything to bitch about and someone that would know I would give all of the above in return. I have never had that and it makes me sad but I hope one day I will find a real gem of a friend :)
I think all of the above (plus a few other things that I really don't want to speak about) have made me who I am today and not for the better. Being bullied and feeling let down has made me think so little of myself, that I'm not worth the bother, that other people probably think bad things about me too. It has made me shy and worst of all caused me problems with anxiety. Between college and meeting Aaron (3 or 4 years) I felt panicky about even walking down to the local shop on my own, getting on a bus made me feel physically sick, infact doing anything or going anywhere on my own was a big no no. I couldn't pick the phone up and talk to anyone apart from my parents, the thought of it made me freak out, I'd get sweaty palms and go all weird! I failed learning to drive because anytime I thought I'd done something wrong, I'd go into a panic, shaking, crying.. Needless to say, I never passed my test! The last couple of times I've been on a plane I've had an anxiety/panic attack (sweaty palms, panicky feeling, nausea, struggling to breathe, hot and cold flushes, fidgeting..) and now I do my best to avoid a holiday abroad which is sucky :/
When I met Aaron, I still couldn't pop into the town on my own or talk to people on the phone but I'm getting better. Aaron is confident and he (like many other family members) thinks it's silly when I say I can't do something because he doesn't get it. I've never really sat down and explained how I get all anxious and freak out.. It's one of those things nobody ever seems to talk about isn't it? Maybe I should.. But then because he's confident, it's very likely he'll say "what's the worst that could happen? They're just people like you, just do it!" but as I said above, it's not as easy as saying "just do it" and doing it. You can't automatically change just like that after years of the same thing..?
So, as I said, things are getting a bit better, I feel Aaron has made me a bit more confident in some areas.. I will walk up town or down to the shop on my own now (I couldn't get on a bus/train and go into the city on my own though, I'm not there just yet!), I'm not too bad with buses.. I will get on them but they do make me feel a little nervous (sweaty palms, fidgety hands/feet etc) and I'm getting better at talking on the phone. I can talk to mum, dad, my sister Ocean and Aaron.. I struggle with other family and friends and often make excuses as to why I haven't answered instead of telling them I'm a complete plank! I'm not too bad at ringing companies now, I still get nervous and come out with silly things but at least I do it! - I was so proud of myself last week when I phoned E.ON!! A couple of years ago, I went through a really bad stage of feeling anxious (nausea, worry, panic..) whenever we went out for a meal somewhere busy or going away for the weekend, which really spoiled it but I'm nearly there with that now..
Image wise, I'm not sure I'll ever be happy. I'm a size 16/18 on the bottom and a size 18/20 on the top. I feel several sizes larger than I actually am, which is silly because I'm not quite that big, deep down I do know this but on a day to day basis, that is how I feel like I look.. Please note: I do not want to cause any offense. I'm not in any way saying it is horrible to look bigger than me or that you should feel how I feel, I'm simply trying to explain that I feel bigger than I really am. I have friends that are larger and they're beautiful and happy in their skin which is fantastic but I'm not happy in my skin and that's what I'm trying to get across. It's just personal preference that I would like to be a bit smaller like I used to be.
This is so cringe but I'm gonna do it anyway.. This is me, full length.. Eeeeek!
I don't often get compliments for how I look, this is normal to me but I wish it wasn't.. Aaron has never been the sort to shower me with compliments, unfortunately. I have tried explaining it would be lovely if he said something nice about how I look once in a while because it gets me down but nothing changed. I do wonder why he's with me sometimes but I suppose if he didn't want to be with me, he wouldn't be. When I get dressed up to go out he does say "Oh you look nice Tiff" which is about as good as it gets! I don't want to look 'nice' I want to look pretty or something a bit nicer than nice..! When I asked him why he's with me a couple months back he said "we just get on well don't we.. you look after me and we have a laugh" to me, that's something you say about your friend.. No mention of my looks which makes me think I must be ugly and he's not attracted to me. I said to him "are you actually attracted to me?" and he said "I wouldn't be with you if I wasn't" Am I just being silly?
Before I was with Aaron I was with a bloke for 2 months. In these 2 months he treated me like a complete knob. He referred to me as ugly, as in "oi, ugly, come here" and I never stuck up for myself. He flirted with my friends right in front of me and one night in a club I was dancing with my friend (a girl) and he stormed off saying he'd seen me dancing with a bloke. He went downstairs to the table we'd been sitting at and kissed another girl in front of me before walking out of the club. The last straw was when he picked me up one night, I'd said something he obviously didn't like and he punched me.
Before him, I was seeing a bloke that treated me like a princess most of the time. He said all the right things all the time and was always complimenting me and making me feel special. Trouble is, I met him at the wrong time in my life and I messed it up because I was holding back so much.. Not wanting to believe he was a genuinely nice bloke.
And before him I was with a guy for 6 months and I finished it because he got very obsessive and clingy. One weekend he stayed round mine and sat outside the toilet while I had a wee!!
I guess all of this put together is why I struggle with anxiety and worry and feeling panicky. I literally do worry about everything and anything but I can't help it. If I had a nugget for every time Aaron told me to stop worrying, I wouldn't need a job!
Without thinking, I automatically think everybody is judging me and doesn't like me or won't like me. I find it hard to believe somebody would want to be my friend because I'm fat and ugly. I feel really sad writing that but I'm being honest..
I have a job interview Tuesday for an admin apprenticeship and I'm so nervous and worried that I'm considering not even going. Part of me thinks I should just go but the other part of me is worrying because I don't know where the entrance to the building is (silly I know!) and I don't want to look or feel an idiot standing outside not knowing how to get in but also because I think they won't want to employ me based on my looks. I keep thinking there will be other girls there that are so much prettier and have a nicer figure and they'll want them over me. I'm also worried because I'll have to get the bus there and back every day. Plus I've never had an interview before (I got my last job without interview cause my mum worked there) so I don't know what to expect or how I'll answer questions..
I'm really fed up of feeling like this is controlling my life because it is, isn't it? I wish I had more confidence, I wish I had a bit nicer figure (really want to get back down to a size 14) and I wish I didn't worry or feel nervous about things. I know that only I can do something about it, it's just breaking that cycle and maybe even asking for help.. But them I'm too worried to!!
I know what it's like to feel alone when you're feeling all of this and you feel like you have nobody to talk to so if anybody would like to talk or just fancies a chat then I'm all ears.. Well, eyes :) Email me, I'd love to hear from you -
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Plus Size Party Season
It's that time of year again.. Christmas work parties, family parties, evenings out etc.. I don't know about you but I always think a gorgeous black dress is an absolute must for such events. With this in mind, I searched my favourite shop, New Look and put this post together :) I can fit in both the normal range and the Inspire range but I thought I'd go for a plus size post as I generally find the clothes fit nicer and are more generous in the boob department!! :D
The 1st, 2nd and 4th dresses actually start from size 16, which I wouldn't class as plus size at all but they're gorgeous all the same :)
As always, I love all 5 of the dresses but if I had to pick just one of them it would be..
#1 without a doubt! It's absolutely stunning. I would have my hair up, wear sparkly earrings and have a plain clutch.
#2 is gorgeous but would only make me look fatter as I carry more weight around my middle than anywhere else but I would wear silver jewellery with it if I was to wear it.
#3 I would team with a thin black sparkly belt just to give it that little extra.. something! I would have my hair half up, half down.
#4 I would have a statement clutch with stand out jewellery and leave the dress plain, letting the accessories do the talking.
#5 I would team up with subtle accessories so the focus is on the dress detailing.
So, who wants to buy me the first dress for crimbo?! Haha..
The 1st, 2nd and 4th dresses actually start from size 16, which I wouldn't class as plus size at all but they're gorgeous all the same :)
As always, I love all 5 of the dresses but if I had to pick just one of them it would be..
#1 without a doubt! It's absolutely stunning. I would have my hair up, wear sparkly earrings and have a plain clutch.
#2 is gorgeous but would only make me look fatter as I carry more weight around my middle than anywhere else but I would wear silver jewellery with it if I was to wear it.
#3 I would team with a thin black sparkly belt just to give it that little extra.. something! I would have my hair half up, half down.
#4 I would have a statement clutch with stand out jewellery and leave the dress plain, letting the accessories do the talking.
#5 I would team up with subtle accessories so the focus is on the dress detailing.
So, who wants to buy me the first dress for crimbo?! Haha..
Thursday, 8 November 2012
The winner of my giveaway is...
*drum roll....!*
Congratulations Ashleigh! I have just emailed and tweeted you so please get back to me within 24 hours :) xxx
Thank you everyone who took part and to any new followers, it really is appreciated so much! I am already planning a bigger and better giveaway as I've really enjoyed this one and hey, everyone loves freebies!!
Congratulations Ashleigh! I have just emailed and tweeted you so please get back to me within 24 hours :) xxx
Thank you everyone who took part and to any new followers, it really is appreciated so much! I am already planning a bigger and better giveaway as I've really enjoyed this one and hey, everyone loves freebies!!
Monday, 5 November 2012
She Said Beauty Box: November
WOWZERS! I'm going to start off by saying.. I'm SO chuffed with this months box! I was really disappointed last month, especially as it was my first box but this month I cannot stop telling Aaron how much I love it! Haha :)
So here is what I received..
I cannot help but click the link on the Email you get about having a sneak peak once the boxes have been sent/before you get them and apart from the night cream I hoped I got everything I actually got, yay!
So...? Rock'n'Roll Body Spray For Me, full size - 75ml: £1.99.
"Remember So...? They are fragrances close to our hearts and with the current revival in nostalgic scents these sprays were the first to make a welcome return to our dressing tables."
I remember when I was a teenager I loved the So...? body sprays so it brought back memories seeing a full size bottle in this months box. I'm really sorry but I'm rubbish at describing scents.. But it is really nice and girly!! :) If its anything like I remember, the smell doesn't hang around long but it's a great little product (with a funky design) to keep in your handbag and it's no effort at all to spray a couple times a day. Will be keeping this in my handbag and may even repurchase!
Weleda Wild Rose Smoothing Night Cream, 5ml sample. Full size: 30ml, £14.95.
"This smoothing night cream, with oil from organically grown Rosa mosqueta seeds, aids the regeneration of the outer layer of the skin during the night."
As I said above and in my October box, I don't use night cream. However, I am willing to give this a go, why not! It smells quite strongly of roses (as you might have guessed!) and is a yellowy colour when it comes out but you cant see it once its rubbed in. I like the packaging, of course, it's bright pink! But I know I won't repurchase unless it performs a miracle!
Redken Smooth Lock Shampoo & Conditioner, 10ml samples. Full size shampoo: 300ml, £11.85. Full size conditioner: 250ml, £13.40.
"Smooth Lock Shampoo cleanses, refreshes and nourishes hair with smoothness while Smooth Lock Conditioner eases detangling and instantly helps improve manageability with frizz-free smoothness and luscious-looking shine."
I'm always happy to try different products on my hair, especially ones that claim to help with frizz and tangles! Having really thick hair might sound good to some but trust me it has it's down sides - like how it struggles to hold hairstyles - curls are a nightmare :( they drop almost straight away unless you drench it in extra hold mouse and hairspray but then it loses its natural look completely! And if you want to pin it, you need extra because its so heavy! - Even though I regularly get it thinned out when I get my hair done! :/ Anyway! Looking forward to trying these! :)
Makebelieve Enhance Luminize Skin Highlighter, full size: £7.50.
"Highlight cheeks and upper eyelids with this shimmering, celestial pink luminator."
I don't actually own a highlighter, is that bad/shocking?! I was so pleased to get this in my box for that exact reason. Although I don't wear make up every day (sometimes just a few times a month, not sure why cause I am quite good at it!?) I do like trying out different products and do like to make an effort when I do wear it. I've started trying to wear it more because I love the confidence it brings, I just hate having to take it off when I'm knackered, how lazy am I! I love the packaging, it feels very sturdy and I love the shade, can't wait to use it :)
Yardley Royal English Daisy Eau de Toilette, 1ml sample. Full size: 50ml, £9.99. 125ml, £14.95.
"An elegant dewy fresh, green floral fragrance, reminiscent of flower filled meadows in the spring sunshine."
A lot of people don't like receiving these in their beauty boxes but I am not one of those people. I think it's a great way to find new perfumes as you can try them out a couple of times and wear it properly before deciding. When you go into a shop, you tend to spray so many and what they smell like at first usually changes after an hour or so. The above quote describes the scent perfectly, its a very clean, fresh smell.. I don't think I would purchase this but if it was bought for me I would definitely use it without hesitation.
Collection Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-Up Primer - full size, 18ml: £5.99
"The Collection Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-Up Primer preps the skin, providing a beautiful base for easier make-up application and ensures your make-up remains intact throughout the day."
Again, I was really pleased to receive this in my box. I currently use a Gosh primer but it has almost run out and I've been looking at different ones to try so this turned up just in time! My mum uses a lot of Collection products and reckons they're good considering how well priced they are so I have high hopes for this little bottle.. I'll blame mum if not!? Haha :) It is clear and silicone looking, which I know some people don't like but that's what my Gosh one is like so I reckon I'll on well with it. Again, I like the packaging (pink, duh!) so yeah, can't wait to try this out!
SSB Treat: Murrays Manicure Matchbook Nail Files, full size: £1.99.
"We hope you love your SSB Treat as much as we do. These cute candy-striped miniature files are an absolute must for your handbag. If you are anything like us you will soon have a pack of these mini files in every bag for nail emergencies."
I used my last nail file up last week and have been meaning to pick up some more so again, these turned up just in time! They really are very mini, they make me feel like a giant! I love the fact that they're pink and being small, they're handy to keep on you - which I shall definitely be doing! You get 3 lots of 5 files but they break off (as you can see in the pic above) near the bottom so you could use the bottom bits too of course so these are well worth the money and I probably would repurchase these if I found them in a shop.
So there we have it, that is what She Said Beauty sent me this month and again I'm so, so pleased! I know they aren't tailoring boxes yet but aside from the night cream I really feel this would have fit my profile perfectly. Thank you SSB :)
- Dont forget to enter my first giveaway if you haven't already, it has just 2 days left! (or if you have, you can earn extra entries by tweeting again each day!)
So here is what I received..
I cannot help but click the link on the Email you get about having a sneak peak once the boxes have been sent/before you get them and apart from the night cream I hoped I got everything I actually got, yay!
So...? Rock'n'Roll Body Spray For Me, full size - 75ml: £1.99.
"Remember So...? They are fragrances close to our hearts and with the current revival in nostalgic scents these sprays were the first to make a welcome return to our dressing tables."
I remember when I was a teenager I loved the So...? body sprays so it brought back memories seeing a full size bottle in this months box. I'm really sorry but I'm rubbish at describing scents.. But it is really nice and girly!! :) If its anything like I remember, the smell doesn't hang around long but it's a great little product (with a funky design) to keep in your handbag and it's no effort at all to spray a couple times a day. Will be keeping this in my handbag and may even repurchase!
Weleda Wild Rose Smoothing Night Cream, 5ml sample. Full size: 30ml, £14.95.
"This smoothing night cream, with oil from organically grown Rosa mosqueta seeds, aids the regeneration of the outer layer of the skin during the night."
As I said above and in my October box, I don't use night cream. However, I am willing to give this a go, why not! It smells quite strongly of roses (as you might have guessed!) and is a yellowy colour when it comes out but you cant see it once its rubbed in. I like the packaging, of course, it's bright pink! But I know I won't repurchase unless it performs a miracle!
Redken Smooth Lock Shampoo & Conditioner, 10ml samples. Full size shampoo: 300ml, £11.85. Full size conditioner: 250ml, £13.40.
"Smooth Lock Shampoo cleanses, refreshes and nourishes hair with smoothness while Smooth Lock Conditioner eases detangling and instantly helps improve manageability with frizz-free smoothness and luscious-looking shine."
I'm always happy to try different products on my hair, especially ones that claim to help with frizz and tangles! Having really thick hair might sound good to some but trust me it has it's down sides - like how it struggles to hold hairstyles - curls are a nightmare :( they drop almost straight away unless you drench it in extra hold mouse and hairspray but then it loses its natural look completely! And if you want to pin it, you need extra because its so heavy! - Even though I regularly get it thinned out when I get my hair done! :/ Anyway! Looking forward to trying these! :)
Makebelieve Enhance Luminize Skin Highlighter, full size: £7.50.
"Highlight cheeks and upper eyelids with this shimmering, celestial pink luminator."
I don't actually own a highlighter, is that bad/shocking?! I was so pleased to get this in my box for that exact reason. Although I don't wear make up every day (sometimes just a few times a month, not sure why cause I am quite good at it!?) I do like trying out different products and do like to make an effort when I do wear it. I've started trying to wear it more because I love the confidence it brings, I just hate having to take it off when I'm knackered, how lazy am I! I love the packaging, it feels very sturdy and I love the shade, can't wait to use it :)
Yardley Royal English Daisy Eau de Toilette, 1ml sample. Full size: 50ml, £9.99. 125ml, £14.95.
"An elegant dewy fresh, green floral fragrance, reminiscent of flower filled meadows in the spring sunshine."
A lot of people don't like receiving these in their beauty boxes but I am not one of those people. I think it's a great way to find new perfumes as you can try them out a couple of times and wear it properly before deciding. When you go into a shop, you tend to spray so many and what they smell like at first usually changes after an hour or so. The above quote describes the scent perfectly, its a very clean, fresh smell.. I don't think I would purchase this but if it was bought for me I would definitely use it without hesitation.
Collection Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-Up Primer - full size, 18ml: £5.99
"The Collection Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-Up Primer preps the skin, providing a beautiful base for easier make-up application and ensures your make-up remains intact throughout the day."
Again, I was really pleased to receive this in my box. I currently use a Gosh primer but it has almost run out and I've been looking at different ones to try so this turned up just in time! My mum uses a lot of Collection products and reckons they're good considering how well priced they are so I have high hopes for this little bottle.. I'll blame mum if not!? Haha :) It is clear and silicone looking, which I know some people don't like but that's what my Gosh one is like so I reckon I'll on well with it. Again, I like the packaging (pink, duh!) so yeah, can't wait to try this out!
SSB Treat: Murrays Manicure Matchbook Nail Files, full size: £1.99.
"We hope you love your SSB Treat as much as we do. These cute candy-striped miniature files are an absolute must for your handbag. If you are anything like us you will soon have a pack of these mini files in every bag for nail emergencies."
I used my last nail file up last week and have been meaning to pick up some more so again, these turned up just in time! They really are very mini, they make me feel like a giant! I love the fact that they're pink and being small, they're handy to keep on you - which I shall definitely be doing! You get 3 lots of 5 files but they break off (as you can see in the pic above) near the bottom so you could use the bottom bits too of course so these are well worth the money and I probably would repurchase these if I found them in a shop.
So there we have it, that is what She Said Beauty sent me this month and again I'm so, so pleased! I know they aren't tailoring boxes yet but aside from the night cream I really feel this would have fit my profile perfectly. Thank you SSB :)
- Dont forget to enter my first giveaway if you haven't already, it has just 2 days left! (or if you have, you can earn extra entries by tweeting again each day!)

Friday, 2 November 2012
Superdrug 3 for 2.. oops! = Mini haul
Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that Superdrug have a 3 for 2 offer on. I love when Boots do this but I'm even more chuffed that Superdrug do it too :) Naturally, I had to take advantage of it.. The offer ends 4th December so you have plenty of time to go spending!
Here's what I got..
![]() |
Sowwy about the cwap piccy :( |
L-R: MUA - Pumping lipgloss in Buff, MUA - Amaretto Crush, MUA - Stormy Skies, Barry M - Pink Silver Glitter, Barry M - Ruby Glitter, Barry M - Gold Mine Glitter.
MUA Pumping lipgloss in Buff..
I picked this up because I really love the colour.. I tried it when it got home and it literally felt like it was burning my lips! :( I have other plumping lipglosses so expected a minty/tingley feeling but it was not like that at all - I felt as if someone had rubbed something really hot and spicy on my lips. I left it for almost 5 minutes (hoping it would stop) but it only felt worse so I took it off. I tried it again today (2 days later) but it happened again so I can safely say I won't be using it anymore! I'll get my mum to give it a go, if not it will go in the bin.
Has anyone else had this? Please let me know if you have!!
MUA - Amaretto Crush..
Oh my goodness, how gorgeous is this colour!!? It is pretty much the perfect colour, I love it! However, as with all MUA polishes, the brush is absolutely shite. I know its cheap but I have other brands that cost the same with a better brush on so there's no excuse. Because of the brush, it's very streaky but if you put a lot on the brush then its workable.
If anybody knows an exact or extremely close dupe for this colour PLEASE let me know :)
MUA - Stormy Skies..
Another really pretty colour from MUA which is good and bad.. its good because its a lovely colour and cheap but it's bad because the brush is awful meaning it applies awful (and messy!) The brush on this one was the worst I've had so far, sprouting all over the place it was! The colour is very fitting with the season too.. It's a blackish colour with a goldy bronze shimmer, gorgeous.
Barry M - Pink Silver Glitter..
What a pretty, sparkley pink. I applied 4 coats to make it pretty much opaque but I can imagine a single coat would look gorgeous over a pinky shade.. I should have tried it over the MUA colour shouldn't I, duh! This colour is perfect for a night out/party but in a more subtle way, which is why I bought it.. Now I'm getting older I don't tend to pick up anything that stands out too much like a sea blue or bright orange or something.. I'm really loving more mature colours like the first MUA one.. Although that isn't always the case ;)
Barry M - Ruby Glitter..
This colour caught my eye because it looks so cute in the bottle. I was expecting it to be more of a black polish with the black and pink bits in (like the last one) as it looks black in the bottle but it comes out clear :/ Maybe that's my fault for not giving it a go before I bought it! It's no big deal really though cause I can now pick which shade I wear it with! So maybe that's a good thing!?
Barry M - Gold Mine Glitter..
I've seen this one on a few blogs and loved the look of it so I knew before I went into Superdrug that I was going to be picking it up! This is such a party season nail polish and I love it :) I don't usually like black polish but when it has glitter in I can't resist! I'm actually wearing it right now. If you done 2 good coats that would be enough but I done 3 to make it extra good ;) I used a top coat but can still feel the lumpy, glittery bits which I don't usually like but hey ho!
I actually went in Superdrug again today (naughty naughty) so expect another mini haul next week!
- Dont forget to enter my first giveaway if you haven't already! (or if you have, you can earn extra entries by tweeting again each day!)
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