I've seen a few different autumn tags floating about and anyone that knows me will know I love filling in things like this so I thought why the heck not! Let me know if you do/have done one of these, I'd love to read it :)
Favourite thing about autumn?
I love how pretty everything looks, like when the trees change colour. I love how there are no more sticky hot nights and you can wrap up a bit but you still have gorgeous sunny days. I much prefer autumn/winter clothes and wrapping up and being snuggley! Oh and being able to have my hair down more - it's like wearing a thick scarf during summer so I tend to bung it up all the time.
Do you have any autumn traditions?
Since we've been together (5 years almost) we've always gone to the same fireworks display so I guess that's a tradition now?
Favourite thing to wear?
I love my scarves when the cooler weather comes along.. During colder months I'm pretty much always seen in leggings with boots, a jumper or top and cardi and a nice scarf.
Favourite scent/candle?
Aaron and I love vanilla candles.. Not too sickly though.. I have a candle at the moment, if you follow me on Instagram (@tiffanytalksx) you may have seen the video.. It's a colour changing one, I love it!
What's one thing you'll miss about summer?
I'll miss us being able to have the roof down on the car when it's really hot.. And longer amounts of daylight.. That's probably it though!
Favourite/go to autumn make up/nail polish?
I'm a neutrals girl all year round where make up is concerned (boring, I know!) but I definitely go for darker or deeper shades of polish in the cooler months.. I never seem to use my brighter colours at all. I'm pretty sure Barry M - Pomegranate will get a LOT of use.
5 items on your wishlist for autumn?
Some new boots (must be comfortable as I find so many just aren't!), new gloves, more jumpers/knitwear, a new skincare routine and some heated rollers now I won't be having my hair up all the time!
5 things you think of when you hear the word "autumn"?
Orange leaves, bonfire night, halloween, nights closing in, seeing peoples breath on a cold morning/evening.
Favourite place to be?
At home on the sofa with my soft pink throw and a mug of milky coffee with Aaron and the cats :) Or out for a nice walk, hand in hand with Aaron just chatting away about anything and everything.. It's much nicer to go for walks when it's not humid and gross!
I'd love to know, what's YOUR favourite thing about autumn? xxx
nice post :) check out my Autumn tag :)