Monday, 21 April 2014

Let The Journey Begin!

I've mentioned a couple of times in my last few posts about how I've been feeling a bit "meh" about several things.. As always, there is light at the end of the tunnel and woo woo! It seems I'm finally approaching!
To (try) and cut a long story short.. I was made to feel unhappy at a job full of liars, shit stirrers and back stabbers for 6 years and one day decided enough was enough and just walked out. Unfortunately I was a bit naive and didn't think it would be too hard to find another job, although I will never regret leaving. We had to give up our rented home and moved back in with Aarons parents for around a year until Aaron found a better job and we moved out again.. We moved to the next town for 1.5 years and apart from the odd couple of jobs, I still wasn't having much luck. Our house was crappy, the landlord wasn't interested in fixing anything and none of our family or friends lived close by. It got to me quite often, especially towards the end - the same time my blog started to go quiet. We were living on one wage and though grateful of our own space, it was difficult not being able to treat ourselves, afford a holiday or to even keep the car in good order.

Fast forward to February of this year and a friend of mine called Claire put us in touch with her old landlord that had a house available in our hometown.. The houses in this town are like gold dust. But we're here, finally. Not only that, I have a job now too. It's just a little part time supervisor cleaning job but it's a job and I'm earning again and we're already planning a holiday abroad this year! :D
I was unemployed for almost 3 years (apart from the odd few jobs through agencies - and never claimed a penny from the government either by the way) and in that time I became quite unhappy. I put on a lot of weight as I wasn't doing a lot which added to the misery and my mood was always pretty "meh" for the most part. Since moving back to our hometown and being close to everyone again, we've both been much happier.. Plus my little job which has really lifted my mood and given me a confidence boost.. So I thought the next thing to do was get back to being happy with how I look.

So I joined a Slimming World group. Up until a couple of months ago I would never have felt confident enough to turn up at one of these groups and would have flatly refused, preferring to suffer in silence. When we lived with Aarons parents, my confidence was so low that I wouldn't even leave the house on my own. I wouldn't do things like ask a member of staff in a shop where something was or even answer my phone unless it was my parents, sister or Aaron. I've come a long way and I have Aaron to thank for that as he's so supportive and understanding but I think age plays a part too and I still have a little way to go as it creeps up on me sometimes!!

I've been at Slimming World for 3 weeks this week and I'm so glad I pushed myself to go, they're a lovely bunch of people and I've been really enjoying it this time round (I done it from home before.) I'm so determined to feel good about myself and feel good in my clothes again but I also want and need to be more healthy. I even bought a bike and bike to/from work every day plus to the shop or up to my dads. I can feel myself getting fitter already - when I first biked to my parents I had to get off and walk up the hill cause I was dying so out of breath but now I don't :) We even walked to/around/from town Saturday (just over 1.5 miles each way) and I could have easily kept going - Aaron reminded me how I wouldn't ever walk anywhere when we first met 6 years ago so was really proud of me :)

So yeah, let the journey begin.. A happier, healthier me. I'm excited! xxx

Monday, 7 April 2014

What's Going On?

I'm still here.

I still enjoy reading blog posts, I sit and go through my BlogLovin' feed most nights although the type of posts I enjoy has somewhat changed and I've found myself following many different kinds of blogs.. I still follow a few beauty blogs - my favourites who bring variety, give in depth reviews, who's opinion I trust and who's writing style keeps me coming back. But I've found myself following more lifestyle, thrifty, travelling, weightloss kind of blogs..

I enjoy wearing make up and trying new products but I'm just not like most beauty bloggers.. I don't have to buy all the latest products and I can't talk for hours about make up. A large chunk of beauty bloggers are younger than me and much more girlie than me.. I'm 26 this year and feel like as I get older, I care about those things less - my interests have changed quite a lot the last few months - the same amount of time I haven't been blogging properly.

I've really been enjoying different homeware posts, anything to do with Slimming World, thifty/savvy posts, lifey/serious and/or funny chatty posts and days out/holiday posts. If anybody can recommend any blogs with any of these kinds of posts please send me some links as I love finding new blogs to follow!

I want to blog but every time I go to write I end up clicking off the page and I don't know why because I really WANT to! For now I'm going to continue how things are.. There might be the odd post but I won't force it.. If I want to post, that's a start but for me to keep clicking away, tells me now isn't the right time.. I am, however, planning on putting together a post of my favourite blogs as I've found some great ones lately but also have some old favourites too.

I hope you're all well xxx