Sunday, 27 October 2013

E.L.F Haul

I have a confession to make.. Ready? Ok, this was my first time ordering from E.L.F. I know, I know.. I'm not even sure why cause I've known about them long enough! I had some pennies on my Paypal last weekend while E.L.F had £10 off a £25 spend so I thought it was about time. There were a few bits I knew I wanted, from reading other blogs and watching YouTube videos, like the matte lip colour and blush. I'm planning on doing some reviews on these products so I won't go into any detail, I'll just leave you with a bunch of pictures and prices :)

e.l.f haul elf haul

e.l.f elf brush
Eye shadow brush, eye crease brush, Blushing, bronzing and blending brush.
e.l.f elf lip colour matte stain
Matte lip color in tea rose, lip stain in fashionista.
e.l.f elf eye shadow brightening eye colour
Eye shadow - brightening eye colour - in brownstone and ethereal.
e.l.f elf nail polish glamour girl
Nail polish in glamour girl.
e.l.f elf blush
Blush in mellow mauve and gotta glow.

So there is everything I ordered from E.L.F first time round. Do you have any of these products? - Thoughts? Is there anything else from them you recommend? Without giving too much away, I know I'd like more shades of a couple of things I got, others maybe not. xxx

Monday, 21 October 2013

Recent Purchases - Clothes.

I love shopping. Unfortunately I don't get to do it half as much as I'd like to as I'm unemployed but I am lucky enough to have a fiance that doesn't mind me having a spend of his wage every now and then :) Since it started getting colder I realised I have bugger all to wear! I have quite a few summery clothes but not very many jumpers or snuggley cardigans.. My typical outfit through winter is leggings and boots with a jumper or top and cardigan. To be fair though I live in leggings all year round..
If you saw my Wednesday Wishlist last month, you'll know I've really been loving the clothes in Asda this year.. Not only have I really liked many items, they're so reasonably priced it's hard to resist - and even then you don't feel guilty - bonus! Here's what I've been buying anyway.

New Look Inspire
New Look Inspire dress.
New Look Inspire
New Look Inspire jacket.
I wore the blue dress and cream jacket for my friends sons baptism last month in Birmingham.. I felt great in it til we got there.. Then I felt over dressed! Our families Christenings I've seen pictures of, everyone has been dressed up quite smart but not many people made much effort for this one so Aaron (who wore smart trousers and a shirt and black shoes) and I looked kinda out of place but nevermind. I completely forgot to get a picture of me wearing this outfit so you'll have to wait til it gets used again... Hope you like waiting!!! ;) I bought the dress in a size 22 cause of my boobs and I'm so glad I did cause they only just fit still, bloody things! The jacket is a size 20.
The burgundy dress (which I bought in a 20) below I had the intention of wearing with black tights, flats and a black cardi with a thin black belt.. But when I put all of that together the dress was a bit big and I felt like such a dumpling so I sold it on Ebay! I don't think I'm a dress person? I only own 2.. The one above and a black one for funerals or Christmas parties! LOL.. The jeans (size 16) I bought around 2 months ago and still haven't worn yet.. Oops! Although they do look good on :) I got the top from Select (size 18) a while ago too and really liked it at first but now everyone in my town seems to be wearing it as Select is the trendiest shop here!!

New Look Inspire
New Look Inspire dress.
New Look jeans
New Look jeans.
Select Fashion top
Select top.
George Asda top roses
George at Asda tshirt.
George Asda cream jumper
George at Asda jumper.
George Asda black and grey jumper
George at Asda jumper.
George Asda jumper
George at Asda jumper.

The grey tshirt from Asda I sized up twice with and got a size 24. I think it's meant to be kinda fitted but I don't like really fitted clothes, so it's baggy but in a nice way, it doesn't look silly, in my opinion. I should get some pictures of me in these clothes really shouldn't I, especially as I'm terrible at describing things!! The cream jumper (size 20 as they didn't have my size and I had to have it!) I looove.. I actually went back and got it in a purpley blue colour too (size 18). They need a vest top underneath (unless you like showing everyone your bra obviously!) but they're so easy and comfortable to wear. The black and grey jumper (size 18) is thicker but it's also shorter so I still like to wear a top underneath so I'm not showing everyone my belly when I reach up! Finally, the blue jumper with the baggy neck I bought for lounging round the house. I sized up twice (got a 22) so it's baggy and comfy, it's lush :)

Which shop have you been loving recently? xxx

Friday, 11 October 2013

I'm Not A Crazy Cat Lady.. But These Are My Cats!

Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: 'Your obsession with cats is out of control and I can't handle it anymore!' 'So, you're kicking meeeowt?'
I can't be a proper cat lady, I'm not elderly (yet) or single. We do have 3 cats though. They're brothers that we picked from a litter of 7 and they've purrrfectly completely our family. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted at least one cat but I was never allowed one growing up. Aaron and I helped our neighbour rehome his 2 when we moved into our home and afterwards it made us realise how much we'd love our own.. A few weeks later we put down a deposit on 3 boys (We'd planned on getting 2, we got there and nearly picked 4 (!!) but settled with 3) and a few more weeks later brought them home.
Ever since that first day, they've been such a joy to have. They each have completely different personalities but are all so well behaved and adorable that I can't help but take wayyy too many pictures of them! I've probably taken over 1000 since we got them in May. I kid you not.

Their 2nd day with us.
They always sleep in funny/unusual positions!
My favourite picture of my boys.
We don't have human children, we have 4 legged furry cat children and we love to spoil them when we can afford to with new toys or treats. The next thing I'd love to buy them is a bigger bed or individual beds as they've outgrown their last one and are making do with a furry blanket at the moment. They also broke their last play center by all jumping on it at once, it was pretty tall and the bottom snapped!
Anyway, time to get to know them!

I'm Vinnie.. Mummy's favourite! I'm the soppiest cat you'll ever have the pleasure of hearing purr ;) I enjoy playing with my brothers but I look much cuter when I'm keeping mummys lap warm whilst being fussed over and she doesn't even mind me snoring, phew! I'm a real softie where humans are concerned and thoroughly enjoy being cradled in mummy's arms, I'll purr away and often have a snooze.. With my brothers I give as good as I get when we play fight! I love a belly rub but if I'm in play mode mummy or daddy may get a little nibble, oops! I also like chilling out on the kitchen window sill watching the world go by, sleeping on mummys handbag or sitting on mummy or daddys warm laptop.. when they're trying to use it ;) I've been poorly the last few months with swollen paws and mouth ulcers but mummy found me a different, more caring vets and they figured out I have an immune deficiency and may well be on tablets for life. I'm ok with taking them and I'm starting to feel a bit better already, yipee! :)

I'm Chester, I'm a daddy's boy and also the boss! I'm the smallest but the most energetic, nosey curious and mischievous out of the 3 of us and also the most likely to make mummy or daddy laugh - for instance when I stand on my back feet like a meerkat - I do have a soppy side too though. I enjoy jumping up into the kitchen sink (ever since daddy tried to get me to drink from the tap..) much to mummys annoyance!! I also have a game I play with daddy where he picks me up, holds me upright on the way up to bed and I lean over and try to touch/sniff everything on the way! I absolutely love Dreamies and once even managed to jump up, grab a pack, tear it open and eat the rest of them, yummy! I'm not too fond of sharing my food, I will growl at my brothers but do end up sharing, sometimes.. This week I went to the vets and came home without my marbles, if you know what I mean! I'm healing well though and still running around like normal!

I'm Braxton, I'm the good looking one ;) and nannys favourite. I'm the biggest and have the thickest and softest furr out of the 3 of us. I love a fuss and I'm slowly growing to enjoy being picked up but not too often as I get nervous easily. I used to get scared when mummy stroked my belly like she does with Vinnie but now I enjoy it (on my terms of course) and will stretch right out for her! Daddy made me an awesome place to sleep.. A hammock hanging over the radiator but I also like to sit in the bottom of the veg rack whilst mummy cooks! I'm the most vocal, particularly when mummy is preparing our food.. My favourite game involves a bird on a string, I'm the best (quickest!) at that game. I also recently went to the vets to have my marbles removed - thanks a lot mummy and daddy!! Unfortunately I had to go back 2 days later as the stress of it made me very poorly :( I'm on tablets (bleurghh!) but they seem to be doing the trick and I have a bit more energy now.

This post is an entry into the Tots100/Swell UK competition.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Life Update #3

So if you read my last life update, you'll know I had a job.. Had being the operative word. I done training, I done shadowing shifts and I done shifts alone. I also had a panic attack at work and patronising, rude and ignorant staff to work with. The second time I came home crying, Aaron said enough was enough and to leave if I was unhappy. I thought working in a care home would mean the staff would be lovely.. Don't get me wrong, a couple of the staff were nice but they were on days. I was on 12 hour night shifts and they weren't consecutive either. It was mostly one day on, one day off.. So one night I'd be working a night shift and sleeping in the day, then sleeping that night again - when I'd just been sleeping in the day.. Then working the next night. It really messed me about, I was like a zombie. Everything happens for a reason though.. It obviously just wasn't meant to be.

In other news..

- Our cat Vinnie was ill on and off for 2/3 months and after changing to a much better vets, we found out he has an immune deficiency and may be on tablets for life. He's still not quite there (he had swollen paws, they've gone down but he still has a mouth ulcer) but he's okay in himself, bless him. Braxton and Chester are booked in to have their bits chopped off this week, Vinnie isn't allowed to have his done until his medication/dosage is sorted out properly and in routine though.

- We drove up to Birmingham for our friends sons Baptism last month where I was made a God Mother to their eldest which was an honour. We stayed the night in a lovely hotel, it was a bargain at £25 and easily worth double. We visted Ikea the next day too.

- I turned 25 years old. I'm now half way to 50! WHAT! Aaron took me out for a nice meal and we had a walk along the beach afterwards. At the weekend we went for drinks with his parents, uncle and auntie and some friends.. I got drunk and had a hangover for the first time in a few years, oh dear!!

- I'm still volunteering at Barnardos and love it. They're all such a good bunch of people. We have a lot of laughs and I thoroughly enjoy doing my 3 days a week there.

- I'm loving that it's getting colder again. I love wrapping up in snuggley jumpers with a nice scarf and wearing darker colours, having more gravy dinners and stews and the smell outside in the evening. Roll on fireworks night and Christmas now :)

- I'm also absolutely loving watching Wentworth (the Australian prison drama on Channel 5) it kind of reminds me of Bad Girls, does anyone else remember that?!

Current favourite song: Nelly - Get Like Me.

What are you looking forward to the most now it's getting colder? xxx

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Charity Shoppin' #1

I will hold my hands up and admit that until I started volunteering in one of the local charity shops, I was a bit snobby about going in them. I always thought of a charity shop as somewhere old people shopped that smelt a bit fusty, was packed full of clutter and had a grumpy old lady serving everyone.. For some that is true but they're not all the same! The one I very much enjoy volunteering in (Barnardos) is unlike any charity shop I've ever entered. It smells nice, it's not cluttered, all the clothes are set out in different coloured sections and always looks very tidy and 99% of the volunteers and staff are such a lovely bunch. If you didn't know better, you probably wouldn't think it was a charity shop to be honest - people compliment the place all the time when they're paying for things - saying how it's not your typical charity shop. Oh and I'd say more "young" people come in than "old" people.

I really love a bargain so I'm not entirely sure why I didn't stop being a twit and start hunting around the charity shops before.. I mean, I buy second hand on Ebay so it's not much different is it! I might be biased but our one is definitely the best in the town (having gone in all the others with my lovely nan not so long ago!) so I only really buy from our one.. Plus we get 25% staff discount too! I can't believe some of the things people give away.. Brand new and/or branded items.. Good quality items! Our one always has really nice things from places like Top Shop, River Island, New Look, Marks and Spencer, Debenhams, Next, Dorothy Perkins.. etc.

Anyway, here's what I've come home with so far! All prices are before staff discount was applied.
(Please note: due to my naturally built in need to spend when I see things I like, this post will become a regular thing!)

Yours Clothing long sleeved top
Yours Clothing top, £3.99.

George at Asda boyfriend cardigan
George cardigan, £1.99.

Red Herring dress
Red Herring dress, £1.99.

New Look shopper bag
New Look shopper bag, £2.99.

Marks and Spencer black bag
Marks and Spencer slouchy bag, £3.99 (new).

Animal print scarf
No tag so not sure where the scarf is from but it's soooo soft, £1.99.

Sainsburys vase set
Sainsburys vase set, £1.99.

That's everything I've bought since I started in July.. I'm truly addicted now and always trying things on - especially Wednesday mornings, me and the lady I work with are in and out of the changing rooms when it's quiet! If I were a size 10/12, my wardrobe would probably have collapsed by now so I guess it should be thankful that I'm a chubster and it will take me longer to fill it!!! I bought a couple of bits today and will more than likely keep buying bits so there will be another post in the near future.

Have you bought any bargains lately? What are the charity shops like near you? xxx